There is
much confusion and misinformation surrounding the whole issue of fats and
health and hopefully this information will begin to clarify things.
Saturated Fats:
May cause cholesterol deposits, high blood pressure, heart disease,
strokes, and some types of cancer. Coconut oil is the most saturated
choice. Hemp seed oil is the lowest in saturated fats and therefore
the healthiest choice.
Monounsaturated Fats:
May be preferable to saturated fats, but only if the total percentage
of the first two groups remains small and if there are also
considerable polyunsaturated (essential) fats. Olive oil and pork
lard do not contain significant amounts of essential fats.
Polyunsaturated Fats are Essential Fatty Acids:
Eaten with protein foods, they may reduce blood pressure and
cholesterol, increase metabolism, burn fat, and prevent heart disease
and stroke. They also promote cell membrane fluidity and reduce
inflammation with beneficial effects on those with arthritis,
tuberculosis, and other inflammatory diseases.
Gamma Linolenic Fatty Acid:
This Acid is rarely found in vegetable oils. Hemp oil may be the only
practical source of this essential fatty Acid for those who are not
sufficiently healthy to synthesize it from Linoleic fatty Acids.
Omega 6 to Omega 3 Balance:
A ratio of about three or four to one is thought to be very
important. Hemp oil is the only oil that is naturally occurring in
this ideal range.
Fatty Acid Percentages: This
may be the most important basis for evaluating the health benefits of
different oils. Hemp oil with 78% polyunsaturates may be able to
neutralize the negative effect of some poorer oils in a diet. |
As the
name suggests, Essential Fatty Acids (EFAs) are fats. There are three types
of fats; saturated, mono-unsaturated (MUFAs) and poly-unsaturated (PUFAs)
which, without getting too technical, is to do with the number of double
(unsaturated) bonds in the molecule. You can tell which is which by a
simple test; highly saturated fats such as butter or lard are solid at
(European) room temperature, highly mono-unsaturated such as olive oil are
liquid at room temperature but if put in the fridge will start to solidify,
whilst highly poly-unsaturateds such as sunflower oil will be liquid both at
room temperature and in the fridge.
the higher the number of double bonds the greater the chemical reactivity,
which is why lard or beef dripping, which are high in saturated fats, have
traditionally been used for deep frying as the molecules are stable to
heat. Oil high in poly-unsaturates such as sunflower oil should never be
used for cooking and indeed should be kept in the fridge and always buy
'cold-pressed' extra virgin oils which haven't been exposed to heat during
the pressing process. Olive oil is safe to use for shallow-frying or stir
frying but should never be reused or used for really hot deep frying.
The body
is a wonderful biochemical factory which is able to make complex molecules
from simple beginnings however, there are certain molecules that are
essential for the body to function, but which it cannot make and which
therefore have to be obtained through the diet. Most people are aware of
the importance to health of vitamins such as vitamin C, but not many people
realize that certain fats are required by the body in order for it to
function properly, which is why they are called “essential” fatty Acid and
indeed, people generally have made things worse by eating 'low-fat diets' in
the mistaken belief that all fats are bad. Let your mantra rather be "Bad
fats out: good fats in".
Are They?
it starts to get confusing, EFAs have a variety of names (and a host of
initials) depending on where the first double bond is placed and how many
carbon atoms are in the molecule. The two types are the Omega-3 fatty
and the Omega-6 fatty Acids.
Molecule length |
Omega-3 |
carbons |
Alpha-Linolenic Acid (LNA) |
Linoleic Acid (LA) |
carbons |
Stearidonic Acid (SDA) |
Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA) |
carbons |
Eicosatetraenoic Acid |
Dihomogamma-linolenic Acid (DGLA) |
carbons |
Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) |
Arachidonic Acid (AA) |
carbons |
Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) |
Docosapentaenoic Acid |
Gamma-linolenic Acid (GLA)
is a major component of both Evening Primrose Oil and Starflower (borage
seed) oil and Eicosapentaenoic Acid (EPA) and Docosahexaenoic Acid (DHA) are
found in fish oils.
Do You Need?
proportions of fatty Acids in our diet are important: The total amount of
fat should be less than 30% of calories, of which the majority should be
poly-unsaturated and the saturated fats should be no more than 5 to 10%.
We need both Omega-3 and Omega-6 fatty Acids and opinion is divided as to
the ratio of these. Some people think it should be 1:1, although the
consensus figure seems to have settled at a ratio of 1:3. Certainly our
average diet has changed dramatically in the last century and the amount of
Omega-3 fatty Acids in food is much reduced.
Fish Oil
is high in Omega-3, but so are some seeds, notably Hemp Seeds (flax seed,
another name for linseeds), but also pumpkin seeds and walnuts. Hemp
Oil is now also available in capsules and is a renewable resource, whereas
fish oil now runs the risk of being contaminated with environmental
pollutants such as organo-chlorines.